Maharashtra Govt temporarily stays collection of NA Tax

 Good news :

The Maharashtra government on Tuesday ordered a temporary stay on the recovery of non-agricultural (NA) tax by the state revenue department from housing societies in Mumbai's suburbs.

Revenue Minister Balasaheb Thorat made this announcement in the Legislative Assembly.

You may recall that we at Alert Citizens Forum have been following up this issue for sometime. We had also written to the CM and Balasaheb Thorat in this regard.

BJP Leaders Ashish Shelar and Atul Bhatkhalkar had raised this issue in the current assembly session.

Dayanand Nene


  1. Very informative, thanks for posting such informative content. Expecting more from you.
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  2. Sir, I am of the opinion that only one time N. A. Tax be collected at the initial stage when land used is changed. Thereafter local govt. collects property tax every year. As per present practice NA tax plus property tax is recovered thereby making double taxcession. This is harrasment to common man. I therefore suggest that instead of postponing decision once for all N. A tax be scrapped, outstanging bills if any be cancelled and only one time charges for N. A be recovered.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.


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