Important Bye-Laws concerning the Managing Committee Meeting.


Important Bye-Laws concerning the Managing Committee Meeting.

Bye-Law no. 116: No officer of the Society shall have any interest, directly or indirectly, otherwise than as such officer:

(a) In any contract made with the Society
(b) In any property sold or purchased by the Society
(C) In any other transaction of the Society, except as investment made in or loan taken from the Society for provision of residential accommodation by the Society to any paid employee of the Society.

Bye-law no. 119 (a)(ii): A person shall cease to be the member of the committee if he has failed to attend any three consecutive monthly meetings of the Committee without leave of absence.

Bye-law 132 (e): In case the entire Committee intends to resign, the designation of the Committee shall be placed before the General Body of acceptance and such resignations by the General Body. This fact of acceptance of resignations of the entire Committee by the General Body shall be communicated to the Registrar by the outgoing officers and Registrar may take the necessary action as provided under Section 77A of the Act. However, the existing Committee shall continue to carry on with the routine functioning of the Society till the alternate arrangement is made by the Registrar.

Bye-law no. 135: On a requisition by 1/3rd members of the Committee, the Secretary of the Society shall convene a Special Meeting of the Committee within seven days of the date of receipt of the requisition to discuss the matter mentioned in the requisition.

Bye-law no. 137: The members of the Committee shall be jointly and severally responsible for all the decisions taken by the Committee during its term relating to the business of the Society. The members of the Committee shall be jointly and severally responsible for all the acts and omissions detrimental to the interest of the Society. Thus, after taking responsibility as Managing Committee members, everybody should follow all the duties efficiently and take decisions wisely.

Bye-law no. 139: The Chairman of the Society shall have the power of overall superintendence, control, and guidance in respect of the management of the affairs of the Society within the framework of the MCS Act 1960, Rule 1961 and the bye-laws of the Society. In case of any emergency, the Chairman of the Society may be competent to exercise any of the powers of the Committee. However, while doing so, he shall record the reasons thereof in writing of any decision, so taken by the Chairman of the Society shall be approved in the next meeting of the Committee.

Bye-law no. 174 (A)(xx): A complaint can be made to the Registrar for non-calling of the Managing Committee Meeting as prescribed by the bye-laws.

The Minutes of the Meeting contains a summary of the discussion on every item mentioned in the Agenda. There is a possibility of not remembering the details of the meeting later, so it is useful to have a written record of the meeting. Decisions taken on different issues during the meeting are recorded in Minutes.
