Monthly Managing Committee Meeting is essential for executing important decisions of the Society. Many important decisions are taken in this meeting with regards to members and the Society. As per Bye-law no. 127 (a), a Committee shall meet as often as necessary, but at least once in a month.
Method of calling the Managing Committee Meeting
- The Secretary of the Society shall give three clear days’ notice of meetings of the Committee to all the members of the Committee which shall state the date, time and place of the meeting and the business to be transacted thereat, in consultation with the Chairman of the Society.
- Where the Secretary of the Society fails to issue such notice and agenda of any meeting of the Committee, the Chairman of the Society shall issue it.
- The Chairman of the Society shall preside over all the meetings of the Committee, provided that if at any meeting of the Committee, he is absent, those members of the Committee present shall elect one of them to be the Chairman, for that occasion, who shall preside over the meeting.
- Every member of the Committee shall have one vote. However, in case of an equality of votes, the Chairman of the meeting will have a second or casting vote. All decisions shall be taken by the majority of the vote.
- The Secretary of the Society shall attend every meeting of the Committee and record its minutes and place the same for confirmation before the next meeting of the Committee after the minutes are signed by the Secretary of the Society and the Chairman of the meeting. In the absence of the Secretary, the Chairman of the society shall make alternate arrangements recording minutes of the meeting.
- The Committee Meeting shall be usually held in the premises the Society, The quorum for the Committee Meeting shall be mentioned in Bye-Law no. 114. The Committee cannot translate business unless there is a quorum at the time of consideration every item on the agenda of the meeting of the Committee.
- As per Bye-Law no. 138 the Managing Committee shall exercise the powers and discharge the functions and duties as under.
Few of the important functions are given below:
- To consider and decide the applications for various purposes received by the Society.
- To consider and decide the resignations received from members, associate members, and nominal members.
- To consider all matters relating to the creation, investment and utilization of the Repairs & Maintenance Funds, Reserve Fund and Sinking Fund. Keeping the funds of the Society in a Cooperative Bank as per the provision of Section 70 of the Maharashtra Cooperative Society’s Act.
- To ensure that nomination and revocation thereof are recorded in the minutes of the Committee.
- To initiate action against defaulted charges of the Society.
- To make available papers of the Society for perusal if asked for by the members.
- To call a special meeting of the General Body if required.
- To consider the resignation of an office-bearer of the Society and to fill in vacancies of the Committee.
- To take steps to maintain the property of the Society in good condition and to carry out repairs to it and renewals thereof.
- To ensure the property of the Society.
- To take a decision on the complaint application in the Managing Committee Meeting and inform the concerned member of its decision accordingly.
- To scrutinize the tenders received for construction work and to submit the same along with the Committee’s report to the meeting of the general body and to enter into a contract with the contractor.
- To ensure that every Annual Meeting of the General Body is held within the prescribed period.
- The Committee shall, in consultation with the General Body necessary steps for Conveyance of land/building in favor of the Society.
- Deducting TDS on payments made to contractors and professionals.
- Submitting the Audi Rectification Report to the Deputy Registrar.
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