Help others in need

Your Helping Hands Need Help! 

It’s been 4 months.

March. April. May. June. 

Many of us have lost jobs. 
Even worse, many of us have lost lives. 

Many of us have lost our loved ones. 
Many of us have lost patience. 
But most of us have not lost hopes. 

I have a driver. 
Who’s been sitting at home for last four months. 
Not because he doesn’t want to work. 
He still has his job but doesn’t have any work. 
Because we are working from home. 
But then he’s been around with us for around 6 years. 
So, we are still paying him so that he can take care of his family. 
As long as we have the bandwidth to take care of an extra family, we will. 
It’s as good as or better than contributing to any unknown fund raising organizations. 

And same is with our maid. 
We’re paying her and have asked her to stay home and be safe. 

You always wanted to sponsor a homeless child, a destitute, a cancer patient, a flood affected family or donate something to an orphanage but didn’t know whom to trust or how to go about it. 

So, take this opportunity to help someone’s family who has done service for you and now needs your help. 

Just for the time being do their work yourself but pay them their salaries, at least to help them meet their basic requirements, even if you can’t pay the entire salary. 

Because we know right now everyone’s needs are limited. We need only enough to survive. 

If possible, please see to it that they can sail through this tough time and with your help they’ll be back in your life, healthy and fit. 

Jai Hind!
