Working of the Managing Committee of a CHS

Working of the Managing Committee

  • It is the responsibility of the Managing Committee to hold election before expiry of tenure as per provision in the sanctioned by laws (bye- law No. 116) and to inform the same to the Registrar of societies.
  • For the availability of the Managing Committee members, the members of the managing committee should be those who are residing in the societies flat as far as possible.
  • It is necessary after conducting election, the election of the office bearers should be made by the Election officer (bye-law No. 126) 
  • After election of the office bearers, the joint meeting of the new managing committee and previous managing committee will be held. In this meeting by preparing list of the societies record, it will be handed over to the new office bearers accordingly and to take detailed entries of it in the minutes of the management committee (bye- law No. 125)
  • The Managing Committee have to work as per the provision in bye- law No. 139 and directives of the general body meeting.
  • It is obligatory to follow the limit of cash in hand as per provision in by rules. If more cash in hand remained then to charge interest on it as per by law no. 72 shall be necessary.
  • All payment above Rs 1000/- should be made by crossed cheque. 
  • It is necessary to invite price list / tender for above Rs.10,000/- expenses. The power to decide the minimum limit for this shall be with general body meeting.
  • It is necessary to take action as per sub-rule No. 65 on various applications received from the members.
  • The Managing Committee should give a receipt to the application received from the Members, similarly should have to give reply within 15 days as per law No. 174.
  • To settle the dispute between the managing committee and members, the society have to appoint three member committee in the general body meeting. If the decision of the managing committee on the complaint of a member is not acceptable, then justice can be sought from the three member committee appointed by the general body meeting. It is binding on the three member committee to give written decision within three days from the date of application received.
  • If the decision given by the managing committee on the application of issuing NOC is not acceptable then justice can be sought from the three member committee appointed by the general body meeting. Even three member committees decision is also not acceptable then the justice can be sought from the Registrar and the decision of the Registrar is binding. Where there is no three member committee in such case, justice can be sought from the Registrar.
  • It is obligatory to make an Indemnity Bond on the stamp paper of Rs. 100/- ,which has to be purchased in member’s name, as per Format- 20 by each member of the Managing Committee at the cost of society after taking charge. If such bond was not made in prescribed time limit then the post stands vacant automatically the managing committee or concerned member should stop doing society’s work.
  • It is binding on the managing committee to note in the minute book all subjects in the agenda as discussed actually. The subjects comprising important policy matter/ financial decision could not be taken on eleventh hour.
  • It shall be the responsibility of the chairman and Secretary of the Society to write down the minutes of the meeting of General Body and special Body within three months from the date of the meeting.
  • It shall be the responsibility of the managing committee to take action in time on repairing/ maintenance, internal and external leakage and illegal construction.
  • If shall be the joint responsibility of the Chairman and Secretary to keep record as per by laws no. 142 and 143 and Rule 65 of Maharashtra Co-operative Societies Rule 1961 and making entries up-to-date.
  • It is necessary that the Managing Committee has to prepare financial statement within 45 days of ending the financial year and to make audit before 14th August every year.
  • It is mandatory to change auditor after every two years.
  • Responsibility to give at least 14 days notice every year of the General Body Meeting to each member shall be to the managing committee and Secretary.
  • If it is not possible to call general body meeting before 14th August, then the reason thereof with the resolution of the managing committee and the said proposal should be submitted to the Registrar of Societies before 15th July, so that if extension is denied, it will be possible for holding meeting within the prescribed time limit.
  • For maintaining unity and cordial relation between the members, the Managing Committee must have to take efforts.
  • It is necessary to implement as per directives, orders and circulars of the Co-operative Department and other Govt. Department of the Government of Maharashtra.
  • If member wants to utilize his Gala/flat for dispensary, consultancy room, Nursing home, flour mill, coaching classes, nursery or beauty parlous etc. with the consent of the general body meeting. Then it shall be obligatory to frame the rules as per bye-laws No. 34 in such a way that other members in the society would not get nuisance and member also can conduct business.


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