Order - Charging Non-Occupancy charges from the member of Co-operative Housing Societies. Dated 25th February, 2011

Order - Charging Non-Occupancy charges from the member of Co-operative Housing Societies. Dated 25th February, 2011

Charging Non-Occupancy charges from the member of Co-operative Housing Societies.
Government of Maharashtra.
Co-operative, Marketing & Textile Department
Government Order No. SAGRUVA- 2010/PRA.KRA- 173/14 S
Mantralaya Extension, Mumbai- 400032
Dt- 25th Febrary 2011
Ref :
Govt. Order No. SAGRUYA/10945/15165/PRA KRA 318/145 A,Dt 1-8-2001 of Co-operation, Marketing & Textile Department.
Supplementary Letter:
It was decided that the charging of Non-occupancy should not be more than 10% of the Maintenance Charge vide above mentioned Government orders dt. 1/8/2001. Since the word paying Guest was not included in the Said Govt. Order, the approval is given by this supplementary letter to include the word paying guest. Before the number and word, ‘not charge more than 10%’ in the point No.2 f the government Order dated 1.8.2001 mentioned above, the following is included. In this, non-occupancy charges will also be applicable to the paying guest.

By order and in the name of Governor of Maharashtra.
Desk Office,
Govt. of Maharashtra
Co-operation Marketing & Textile Department.
