to be followed while issuing Deemed Conveyance Order and Certificate.
Government of Maharashtra
Co-operation, Marketing and Textile Department
Government Resolution No.SaGruYo-2017/Pr
Housing Department by making amendment in Section 10 and 11 of
the said Act has made provision of Ex-parte Deemed Conveyance of the
Co-operative Housing Societies.
And for this purpose all District Dy. Registrar, Co-operative
Societies in the state and Joint Registrar, Co-operative Societies (CIDCO) for
the CIDCO Jurisdiction have been appointed as Competent Authority for this
Similarly incidental to implementation of the said procedure,
the list of the necessary documents required for deemed conveyance has been
fixed under the Government Resolution, Housing Department, dated 25-02-2011.
However, since the Housing Societies faced many problems in
obtaining the said documents, the deemed conveyance procedure was not that much
impetus. Similarly it is also noticed that Societies also are not ready to come
forward for this.
2. Considering the above matters and since it is necessary to
make simplification of deemed conveyance procedure of the co-operative housing
societies and to minimized the number of documents required for it, a committee
on the level of Commissioner, Cooperation and Registrar, Co-operative
Societies, Maharashtra State, Pune was constituted for making recommendations
to the Government by studying in this regard.
Incidental to the report submitted by the said committee and
to take policy decision in this regard, a coordination committee under the
Chairmanship of the Principal Secretary (Housing) was constituted.
In the meeting of the said committee, all recommendations in
the report submitted by the Commissioner, Co-operation, and Registrar, Co-operative
Societies, Maharashtra State, Pune have been accepted. Similarly, Housing
Department vide its Government Resolution, dated 14-06-2016, has brought down
the number of required documents for deemed conveyance from 12 to 8.
And similarly Revenue and Forest Department also issued
Circular in this regard on dated 12-07-2016 regarding at least 5 documents are
necessary for valuation and registration of deemed conveyance.
3. Since the recommendations in the report submitted to the
Government in respect of deemed conveyance by the Commissioner, Co-operation
and Registrar, Co-operative Societies, Maharashtra State, Pune are related with
Revenue and Forest Department, Urban Development Department, Co-operation,
Marketing and Textile Department, Hon’ble Chief Secretary has communicated to
the respective department to take necessary action on the said recommendations
and submit the report in this regard.
Thereafter incidental to implementation of these
recommendations, one meeting was organized in his chairmanship on dated
26-09-2016, In the said meeting, review of the action taken by the concerned
departments incidental to the recommendations of the committee constituted
under the Chairmanship of Principal Secretary (Housing) for removal problems in
the deemed conveyance was taken and similarly year wise review of the pending
deemed conveyance cases in the office of the Commissioner, Co-operation and
Registrar, Cooperative Societies, Maharashtra State, Pune was also taken.
It came to notice during the discussion that, since it would
be more difficult to the applicant to submit prescribed documents mentioned in
the Government Resolution issued by various department, therefore if only one
Government Resolution prescribing all documents as expected by this department
and inclusive of all guidelines, all information will get at one level and
procedure of making application would be easier and giving relief to the
Therefore, it is decided in the said meeting that, by taking
in consideration the provisions regarding deemed conveyance and the procedure
to be followed by the Competent Authority incidental to that, duties to be
discharged and difficulties faced by the citizens, a draft of one Government
Resolution only should be prepared. The said Government Resolution should be
issued after taking opinion of all concerned departments.
4. Incidental to above facts, the matter to issue the said
Government Resolution by superseding earlier Government Resolutions for
bringing rationalization in the present existing procedure regarding deemed
conveyance was under consideration of the Government.
Considering the fact in the above introduction, the under
reference no.6 and 7 Government Resolutions dated 29-04-2014 and 07-06-2014
respectively are hereby superseded and revised orders regarding procedure to be
followed in respect of giving deemed conveyance order and certificate are
issued herewith.
2. All inclusive procedure to be follow in respect of the
deemed conveyance of cooperative housing societies has been fixed in the
following stages :-
Stage 1 :
To make an application in the prescribed form 7 with necessary
document and draft of conveyance to the concerned District Dy. Registrar,
Co-operative Societies Office for Deemed Conveyance, similarly to obtained
Deemed Conveyance Order and Certificate with documents.
Stage 2 :
The draft document of the deemed conveyance with the details
of stamp duty of all flat owners should be adjudicated from the Joint District
Registrar and Collector of Stamp.
Stage 3 :
After the adjudication order, the said document should be get
registered in the office of the Sub Registrar (purchase – sale).
Stage 4 :
To apply for entering the name in the record (7/12) to the
concerned City Survey Officer or Circle Officer/Talathi according the
registered document.
The procedure of deemed conveyance shall be completed only
after entering society’s name as a occupant in the property card or 7/12
extract by the concerned officer.
Following documents are necessary for submitting
Deemed Conveyance Application.
The Co-operative Housing Societies should submit
online and offline (hard copy) application only when they have available the
said documents.
A copy of the offline (hard copy) application with
the fee of Rs.2000/- (if paid in Court Fee Stamp or online then with its
receipt) should be submitted to the District Dy. Registrar, Co-operative
Societies/Jt. Registrar, Co-operative societies (CIDCO) and at the same time to
the Collector of Stamp of the concerned District.
1) Documents to be uploaded with
online application:-
i) Application in form 7 for
Deemed Conveyance (as Appendix – 1)
ii) A copy of the Co-operative
Housing Society Registration Certificate/Company Registration Certificate/Deed
of Declaration.
iii) Particulars of the applicant
society and a copy of the resolution regarding deemed conveyance passed in the
Annual General Body Meeting/Special General Body Meeting.
iv) Three months earlier extract
of the property cards (property card 7/12 extract etc.).
v) A list of all legal flat
owners in the society in prescribed form.
vi) A legal notice serve to the
promoter by the co-operative housing society under the Maharashtra Apartment
Act, 1970 for giving conveyance.
vii) Construction Commencement
Certificate (CC) similarly Occupation Certificate issued by the
Planning/Competent Authority.
viii) If the concerned society
does not have Occupation Certificate then self-declaration that actual
possession of the building has been taken and similarly ready to accept all
responsibilities/liabilities regarding the said building and to make an
application to the concerned Urban Local Authority for Occupation Certificate
after getting Deemed Conveyance. (According to Appendix 5)
ix) Court Fee Stamp of Rs. 2000/-
or online fee.
x) Self Declaration of the
applicant regarding documents are true. (According to Appendix-4)
2) Documents to be submitted with
Off line Application (Hard Copy) :-
i) An application in form 7 for
Deemed Conveyance. (With Stamp Duty as mentioned above)
ii) A copy of form 7 in respect
of received the Deemed Conveyance Number (D. C. No.).
iii) A copy of the sale agreement
of flat of one member in society and index 2 or proof of ownership of flat like
inheritance certificate, Court Decree or will etc.
iv) A copy of the final approved
plan from the Competent Authority of the Layout get sanctioned by the
(B) A procedure to be adopted in
respect of issuing Deemed Conveyance Certificate by the District Dy. Registrar,
Co-operative Societies/Jt. Registrar, Co-operative Societies (CIDCO) and
Competent Authority :-
A Competent Authority first
ensured that the documents mentioned in above mentioned (A) are attached with
the application and there after action should be taken as follows:
While accepting Deemed Conveyance application, it
should be seen that the concerned holders on 7/12 extract and property card are
same holders giving in writing the documents and they have made party with
address and all other societies and also company apartment etc. existing on the
same layout are also made parties.
ii) After ensuring that documents are attached as
above, a hearing notice according to MOFA Act, 1960 and Rule 13(2) of Rules,
1964 should be issued to all concerned parties.
iii) After issuing hearing notice, if District Dy.
Registrar , Co-operative Societies and Competent Authority ensured at the time
of hearing that some remain to be made party then order should be given to the
applicant to make parties all those concerned.
(C) While passing Deemed
Conveyance Order and Certificate, District Dy. Registrar, Cooperative
Societies/Jt. Registrar, Co-operative Societies (CIDCO) and Competent Authority
should considered following matter and then pass the order :- 1) If there are
many buildings on one plot and have a separate co-operative society of each
building and if construction of some of them is incomplete then while making
Deemed Conveyance of completed building, undivided share of occupancy right in
the proportion of construction on the proportionate area of the construction of
the building of such society or ground coverage or plinth area, similarly open
space, common services and facilities, roads should be given. 2) While making
Deemed Conveyance in respect of the buildings in the layout where T.D.R. is
utilized, their conveyance should be made according to plinth and appurtenant
area. 3) If there is more than one society in one layout and out of them only
one society has made such application, similarly other societies are not
co-operating for conducting measurement of the land of the applicant society
then the District Dy. Registrar, Cooperative Societies, and Competent Authority
Shall suggest the applicant society to conduct the measurement according to the
approved plan from the Architect on the panel of the Competent Authority who
approved the construction plans of the concerned society and submit the report
regarding area of the society. 4) If the developer did not completed the
project in expectation of getting additional F.S.I. OR T.D.R. in urban area,
then in such cases, deemed conveyance of the number of flats proposed as per
approved construction plan and that much flats are constructed then their
deemed conveyance should be made. 5) By checking application in prescribed form
of the society and the documents submitted along with it, if application is
fulfilled in all respect, then only the Competent Authority should issue Deemed
Conveyance Order and Certificate to the concerned society. 6) While mentioning
common easement in the Deemed Conveyance order, certificate and documents, it
should be mentioned in it that the applicant society have the right with
undivided rights of common easements in the proportion of the construction of
the building of society.
(D) Procedure to be followed
regarding adjudication on the level of Collector of Stamps :- The procedure to
adjudicate on the Deemed Conveyance Draft Documents with the details of the
Stamp Duty paid by all flat owners on the level of Joint District Registrar and
Collector of Stamps should be as follow :- 1) In the cases of Deemed Conveyance
of the Co-operative Societies, - i) Where, if there is specifically mentioned
in the Deemed Conveyance documents that no F.S.I. is balance, and the current
date Architect’s Certificate in that regard is attached with it; and ii) If the
agreements in benefit of present tenement holders of all flats/tenements which
is a subject matter of Deemed Conveyance are duly registered with proper stamp
duty according to concerned rate in the current Article 25 at the time of
execution date then the society can submit the said deemed conveyance deed to
the concerned Sub Registrar directly for registration after paying stamp duty
at the rate of number of flats X Rs. 100/- or as prescribed by the Government
from time to time. To make adjudication of the said document is not necessary.
If the concerned Sub Registrar is
ensured about condition no. (i) and (ii) then he will complete the registration
of the said deed. After completion the process accordingly the Sub-Registrar
shall forward the document to the Collector of Stamp of the District for
checking immediately and in the checking if found that less stamp duty is paid
to the said documents, then the liability to paid the said stamp duty and the
penalty on it to be charged according to Stamp Act shall be lay on the
concerned society.
2) Regarding the matters which
not falls in above 1 – i) If society has submitted a copy of the proposal for
pre verification with the Collector of Stamps according to above A(2), the
Collector of Stamp shall verify that documents and if required some more
documents shall informed the society by letter in writing.
The Collector of Stamp shall
complete all necessary proceedings in respect of fixing the valuation and stamp
duty on the basis of the papers submitted by the society, and thereafter the
society, after completion process in the office of the Competent Authority,
shall submit the application duly for adjudication as mentioned in 2(ii) above
before Collector of Stamps.
At that time, Collector of Stamps
shall include the papers in the preverification case in the said adjudication
case and shall pass order by considering facts in the included draft deemed
conveyance deed and communicate to the society in that regard.
ii) Documents to be submitted for
Adjudication :- Cases in which adjudication is necessary, the society should
have to submit following documents to the office of the Collector of Stamps for
making adjudication incidental to paying the Stamp Duty. i) Application in
prescribed form with Rs.10/- Court fee stamp affixed on the application. ii)
Code number received by making data entry on the
website of Registrar and Stamp Duty Department online
services>Adjudication>process iii) Purchase Deed Draft (in two copies).
iv) A copy of Deemed Conveyance Order and Certificate issued under Section
11(3) of the Maharashtra Ownership Flats Act 1963. v) Proof of making payment
of Stamp Duty on the Agreement of Flats (if agreement is registered then Index
No.2, otherwise original agreements)
III) After receiving the Deemed
Conveyance Certificate, if the society has made application with complete
documents to the Collector of Stamps for adjudication, The Collector of Stamp
give final decision of the adjudication within 30 days from the receipt of the
said application.
However, the period from the
written letter given the society by the Collector of Stamps for fulfilling the
necessary documents and till the period that society fulfilling all that
documents shall not be counted in this 30 days period.
IV) Those members whose proof of
making payment of Stamp Duty on the Agreement of the flat is not available,
then it shall be necessary to pay the stamp duty fixed for those flats only by
the concerned flat owners.
V) If some members evading to pay
Stamp Duty due according to above 2(IV), then society either recover the said
amount from the flat owner and deposited it with the Government or society by
depositing the said amount with the Government and thereafter recovered it from
the flat owner.
E) Registration of documents by
the Sub-Registrar :- According to the final adjudication order issued by the
Collector of Stamps, by depositing Stamp Duty with the Collector of Stamps and
after he has given such certificate on documents, the said documents after the
signature of the concerned, the society shall submit the said documents to the
Sub-Registrar in the jurisdiction of the society.
It is necessary to attach true
copies of the identity card of the parties in the deed, and similarly proof for
making payment of registration fee through GRAS system(E chalan) .
The concerned Sub-Registrar
should complete the registration of above documents within 1 day time limit as
stipulated under Maharashtra Lok Seva Hakk Notification-2015.
F) To make an entry in the record
on the basis of Deemed Conveyance Documents – According to the registered
deemed conveyance documents with Sub-Registrar, the concerned society should
make an application to the City Survey Officer or Talathi/Circle Officer
connected with the jurisdiction of the society for entering the name of
concerned society in the occupant column on the property card or 7/12 extract
within prescribed period according to the procedure in the Maharashtra Land
Revenue Code, 1966 and the rules made there under.
In the name and order of the
Governor of Maharashtra.
(K. C. Badgujar) Section Officer,
Government of Maharashtra.
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