Circular - Forming wing wise co-operative housing Societies having many wings. Dated 30th July, 2004

Circular - Forming wing wise co-operative housing Societies having many wings. Dated 30th July, 2004

In respect of forming wing wise cooperative housing Societies having many wings.
Government of Maharashtra
Co-operation, Marketing & Textile Department,
Government Circular No SAGRUYO-2001/PRA.KRA234/14 SA
Mantralay Extension, Mumbai 400032. Dt 30th July 2004.

The Government is noticed that many a time the proposal for registering wing wise housing society in the case of the building having two or more wings received to the government. Some buildings among them were first registered as a co-operative housing society and the proposal is of their partition. And in many other cases, the proposal is that of wing wise registering of many societies while registering the building. The recommendation of the Commissioner, co-operation dt. 17-01-1985 one housing society for one building is accepted and accordingly informed to all Registrar. As per the said circular, wing wise registration of co-operative housing societies is not made. However, sometime such demand came from members.
By considering the said fact, permission may be granted for registering co-operative housing societies wing wise as per the re commendation received from the Commissioner, Co-operative on the following criteria.
  1. Each society should have separate entrance for entering in the building.
  2. Each society should have separate Electricity meter.
  3. Each society should have separate water tank and water meter.
  4. Each society should have to prepare tax assessment from Municipal Corporation.
  5. Before commencement of the building, the builder/ promoter has to get the Layout of the building approved from the concerned Municipal Corporation by dividing electricity, water.
  6. If some matters are common in the area of the building for e.g. compound wall, main gate, open space, swimming pool etc. then the promoter of the society should have to execute Indemnity Bond of Rs.50/- for executing partnership agreement with the societies of other wing under Section 20A of Maharashtra Co-operative Societies Act, 1960.
  7. Builder, Promoter should have to give Indemnity Bond on Rs.50/- in respect of doing transfer of land wing wise in the proportionate of the area held by all wings.
  8. If the proposals restoration of the society filled in the column builders non co-operation, then the promoter of the society should have to give Indemnity Bond on Rs. 50/- bond paper for the doing the transfer of land in the proportion of the area held by the society.

While registering the society wing wise, the proposal with rationale that why it is necessary that society to be registered after checking the criteria as mentioned above should have to be forwarded to the Government.

Dy. Secretary, to the Government of the Maharashtra co-operation,
Marketing and textile Department
