Security of the society.

Sahakarsutra Infoseries:

Security of the society.
Vacation time is round the corner and many people go away for a couple of weeks locking their homes.
Saket Parisar is extremely porous in nature and the buildings have multiple entry and exit points. I request you to take an active role in your housing society to ensure safety of family and friends.
The Managing Committee should be complimented for fixing a self locking Biometric door closing system on buildings that are road touching.
This is good use of technology and shall ensure that the entry and exit is restricted only to eligible members and at times of no use, the gates remain shut.

Yet, eachh and every one of us should be alert; I write this blog with the sole perspective of security and safety and the required measures that your Managing Committee and members of Housing Society should take that involves your security.

Building Compound Wall

Every housing society should ideally construct a high wall that is covered with barbed wire so that it is not possible for invaders to enter through the wall. Also it will avoid strangers from jumping from  the compound wall. The barbed wire will prevent unauthorized entry and make it very difficult. Also install high quality grills on the compound wall for precaution.

Closed Circuit Cameras (CCTV)

Installation of security cameras is common and should be installed in sensitive or high alert areas in your building. In a worst case scenario, the evidence recorded on CCTV cameras can be shown in the court of law. Hence, CCTV cameras should not be ignored by housing societies due to the high level of technological security they provide.You can give an Annual Maintenance Contract for its regular maintenance. They can even capture images in the dark they are night vision enabled.

Intercom Facility

Every Housing Society should provide intercom facility to all individual flats as well as in the reception area. Make sure that you install intercom with an independent electricity circuit so that even in case of lights failure the intercoms are running.

Every outside visitor should be first taken permission from the flat owner before they visit them. Visitors should also be provided an log book where they have to provide an entry with their respective details. The watchman should call up the flat they are visiting and ask them for permission whether they should be given entry or not.

Proper maintenance should be carried out and housing society should ensure that the intercom facility is working perfectly.

Adequate Security Guards

This is the most important aspect for security and safety of a housing society. 
The Housing Society’s Managing Committee should make sure that the security agency they have tied up with,  provides a proper verification of their employees and also provide the housing society with an inspection report for the security guard hired by them.

The housing society should check whether the security agency has an security license to operate as a security agency or not. They should make sure that proper background checks are done by the security agency and the Managing Committee of the buildings itself.

House Maid and Car Washers Details

Housing societies should have complete details of all the house maids and Car Washers who come to work - separately either in a digital format or in a register. Proper verification documents, clear photographs as well as complete residential details should be provided by the workers.

House maid and workers should provide details as to where and what time they go to work as well as their contact details.

These are some of the important tips that every housing society should follow. Almost 50% of robberies in housing societies are carried because their security agencies are not certified and not verified. Hence, take proper precaution; after all its for the safety of our near and dear ones.


  1. Walls and other systems are useful but the most important thing for security is Cameras. You can place everywhere and monitor. We offers jobsite security camera. Contact us (567) 223-2117


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