Between 1950 and 1970, the housing societies were of the types that to purchase the land and by parting plot on it to construct own house (bungalow). We call them tenant ownership housing society. Gradually when availability of land minimizes multi storey building came into existence. And Cooperative Housing Societies of the flat/tenement holders for one or many buildings were formed. We called them tenent co-partner society.
Work to prepare model bye-laws was started for both the type of societies. It is also compulsory to make amendments in it as per requirement.
Thereafter necessity felt to form Housing Federation. The provision of Federation of Societies has been made in the Maharashtra Co-operative Society Act 1960 and Rule 1961. Similarly provision to take opinion of Federation has also been made.
With unlimited increase of the housing societies, the problems/disputes in it have also been increased. And the complaint application had been received to the co-operation department for solution of such complaints. Limited human force of the co-operation department is very inadequate for this. The District Federation of the Housing Societies can solve many problems of these.
Federation on district level are worked as follows :
To give all necessary co-operation for forming new housing societies.
  1. To make available various forms, registers etc. required for keeping the record of the co-operative housing societies properly.
  2. To give guidance for writing minutes accurately of monthly meeting, annual general body meeting, special general body meeting of the housing society.
  3. To give guidance for preparing of income-expenditure statement, reconciliation statement.
  4. To keep record properly for auditing.
  5. Guidance for preparing faults rectification report if there are some suggestion/objections in the audit.
  6. To prepare the bill by deciding details of the monthly maintenance contribution and to keep accounts of it by recovering that.
  7. Guidance about how to make recovery under Section 101 of the Maharashtra Co-operative Societies Act, 1960 if the member exhausted monthly contribution.
  8. To guide for raising various funds like deposit fund, repair and maintenance fund.
  9. To give guidance for making amendments in the bye-laws as required.
  10. To organize guidance workshop for office bearers of co-operative housing societies and to redress their complaints through questions and answers.
  11. To publish necessary articles, legal judgments, government circulars through magazine, bi-monthly, house journals for the guidance of housing societies.
The State Federation by forming such federation on state level can do the works like presenting questions of state level, to suggest, if some amendments in the co-operation law are necessary to be made, to take initiative for changing some rules if feels stringent.
There is National Federation of all such state federation, its name is Indian National awas Federation, New Delhi.

Address and Tel. No of Federations

  1. Chairman/Secretary,
    Maharashtra State Co-op. Housing Society Federation Ltd.
    9, Vilasini, Shivaji Path, Thane
    Opp. Thane District central
    Co-operative Bank, Thane (W)- 400 601. Tel. No. 022-25332286
  2. Chairman/ Secretary,
    Pune District Co-op. Housing Society Federation Ltd.
    208, Somwar Peth, Daruwala Pool
    Pune- 411 011 Tel. No 020- 26120719
  3. Chairman/ Secretary,
    Mumbai District Co-op. Housing Federation Ltd,
    103, Vikas Premises, 11, Justice G. N.
    Vaidya Marg, Fort, Mumbai- 400 001 Tel. No. 022- 22840134
  4. Chairman/ Secretary,
    Thane District Co-op. Housing Federation Ltd,
    9, Vilasini , Shivaji Path, Opp. Thane District
    Central Co-operative Bank,
    Thane (West) 400 601
  5. Chairman/ Secretary,
    Nashik District Co-op. Housing Federation Ltd,
    C/o. Adv. Vasantrao Toravane,
    113, Patel Chambers,
    Near Zilla Parishad,
    Nashik .
  6. Chairman/ Secretary,
    New Mumbai Co-op. Housing Federation Ltd,
    C/o. Adv. Vasantrao Toravane,
    303, Big Splash Sector- 17
    Vashi, New Mumbai. Tel. No. 022- 2789730
