Circular - To handle the complaints regarding members in the co-operative housing society not paying monthly maintenance charges. Dated 2nd Nov, 2002

Circular - To handle the complaints regarding members in the co-operative housing society not paying monthly maintenance charges. Dated 2nd Nov, 2002

To handle the complaints regarding members in the co-operative housing society not paying monthly maintenance charges.
Maharashtra State
Co-operation and Textile Department
Government circular No. SAGUYO – 2002 / PRA.KRA. 365 / 14.SA,
Mantralaya extension, Mumbai – 4000032.
Date: - 02 November 2002

It came to the notice of the government that, some members in the co-operative housing societies are not paying monthly dues to the society. And for this they are giving various reasons like amount of members is due from the society, society is not repairing the flat, monthly charges are higher etc. Thereby the managing committee of the society is facing difficulty in doing day-to-day work of the society.
When Managing Committee seak justice to the Registrar under Maharashtra co-operative societies Act 1960, the members state that their complaint is pending with government / Registrar and therefore payment was not paid.
While taking into account the difficulties facing by the managing committees due to not paying monthly charges, the following instructions are being issued for how to handle such cases by the Registrar.
  1. The members should not stop paying monthly maintenance charges to the society for any reason.
  2. If there are some differences of any members with the Managing Committee regarding monthly maintenance charges then they should solve them by applying to the Competent Authority. The Registrar should take precaution of deciding the complaint regarding monthly maintenance charges within one month of receipt.
  3. If the Competent Authority certified that the monthly maintenance charges are higher than the action to return/ adjust in the monthly maintenance charges should be taken by the managing committee of the society as per order issued by the Competent Authority.
  4. While taking cognizance of the complaint of the members who stopped payment of monthly charges, the Registrar should first instruct such members to pay the dues of the society first.
  5. The copy of this circular should be put up on the notice board in the office of the Registrar.
  6. This circular should be brought to the notice of all the Dy. Registrar/ Assistant Registrar all District Deputy Registrar. Similarly the Dy. Registrar, Co-operative Societies should take action in bringing to the notice to the Federation of Housing Co-operative Societies in the state.

By order and in the name of Governor of Maharashtra.
Section Officer,
Government of Maharashtra,
Co-operative & Textile Department.
