Following are some of the
important changes done in the MCS Act, 1960 and also in the Model Bye-laws of
Cooperative Housing societies.
- Condition
for membership- Applicant to take 10 shares of Rs.50 each as against 5
shares. Bye law No.22 on rights of membership talks about the right to
receive the notice of demand from society if there is increase in minimum
contribution of member in share capital.
- Classification
of Active and Non-Active members.
- Associate
member definition- ownership in the property individually or jointly with
others is must and whose name does not stand first in the share
- Co-operative
.Education and training to members, committee members ,officers and
- Education
and Training fund of Rs.10 per member per month to be collected as against
Rs.3 per member per annum.
- Sinking
fund can be utilised by the society and no permission of the Registrar is
needed-General body permission however, is must.
of society for transfer of flat or property is not required.However, Rule
24 and Bye law No.38 on transfer of shares and interest wants the
transferring member to give 15 days notice to the society of his intetion
to do so alongwith the consent of the transferee member.
- Elections
of management committee must be notified six months in advance and to be
held under the supervision of the newly constituted State Co-operative
Election Authority (SCEA).-Sec.73CB
- Casual
vacancy in management committee to be informed to Election Authority and
co-option is not allowed.
- Disqualification
of committee and its members- Sec.77-A & 78
- Strength
of Management committee and Reservation of seats for Women and for members
of SC,ST & OBC category with Expert and Functional Directors
appointment possible subject to conditions.- Sec.73AAA & bye law
- Last
date for conducting AGM is 30th against 14th Aug.
- Appointment
of Auditors ,their Remuneration, Rights and Responsibilites ,removal
etc.-Auditor should be a panel auditor and Maximum appointment for
consecutive three years and maximum 20 audits excluding for societies with
paid capital of less than Rs.1 lac.-Additional responsibility to file FIR
if mispappropriationetc etc is noticed –Special & Specific Reports to
be filed with Registerar- Sec.81/R- 69/Bye la 150-152
- Cash
expenses limit Rs.1500/- as against Rs.4500/-in Bye laws.-Bye law No.144
- Cash
in Hand at the close of the day limit increased from Rs.300 to
Rs.5000/-Bye law 143/R-107C
- For
encroachment of common areas by members to be charged at 5 times the
monthly maintenance charges for the period of such encroachment.-Bye law
- Applicability
and adoption of Accounting standards prescribed by state government and by
ICAI-Sec.81 & notification dtd.29th Oct.2014.
- Filing
of Annual Mandatory Returns with the Registrar.-Sec.79(1A) &
- Penalties
prescribed for various offenses and consolidated penalty for all defaults
to be Rs.5000/- maximum in any financial year.-Bye law No.164(a)
- Concept
of Emergency Planning Scheme and Fire Safety Audit introduced.-Bye law
No.75*The Maharashtra Fire Prevention and Life Safety Measures Rules,
2009, made it mandatory for building owners and residents to conduct half
– yearly fire safety audits and submit the report to the fire department.
As per the directive of Directorate of Maharashtra Fire Services, the
safety audit has to be conducted by the ‘Licensed Agency” approved by
Other imp bye law
provisions auditor should know:
- Structural
Audit –once in 5 yrs for Bldg ageing 15-30 years and once in 3 years if
Bldg ageing more than 30 year by BMC approved structural engineers.
- One
time limit for repairs and maintenance expenses management committee can
decide is Rs.1 lac Max.-else General Body permission must.
- Cheques
should be signed by Secretary And Chairman/Treasurer and same with the
- Creating
Awareness regarding Nomination to be filed.
- Mandatory
filing of Annual returns and auditors appointment should be insisted for.
- Security
bond for holding cash from the employee and officer -500 and 1000 if paid
up capital is less than 1.50 lacs and Rs.1000 & 2000 if it is more
than 1.50 lacs R-107B
- The
word “Administrator” has been removed and now the term is “authorized
- Audit
rectification memo needs to be submitted to Registrar in O form within 3
months from the date of the audit report and even auditor has to give
remarks on that-Penalty for society of Rs.5000 u/s 147
- Introduction
of sec.146 offences and 147 which talks about penalties
- Dismissal
of committee if the election due date is not intimated or mandatory
returns are not filed & non submissiom of audit rectification report
- Copy
of Bye laws ,list of members to be kept open for inspection to public free
of charge- Sec.39
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