Latest Due dates for Co-operative Society Audits

📢 *Latest Due dates for Co-Op society audits:*📢
1. *Finalisation of accts*-  15th May
2. *Accounts to be handed over fr Audit* -1st June
3. *Audit Completion*:31st July
4. *Audit Report Upload* - 31st Aug or 15th Sept.
5. *AGM Date*- 30th Sept.
6. *Mandatiry Annual Return by Society* - by 30th Sept.
7. *Mandatory Return by society About Auditor appointment* - one month from AGM or 31st Oct.
8. *Online Audit order generation by auditor* - 31st Oct.
9. *Audit Rectification Report by Society*: 3 months from the date of submission of report by auditor.
10. *Rectification report upload by Auditor thru Audit login*: Once received from society
