Responsibilities of Member's of a CHS ?

What are the Responsibilities of a Member ?

1.Every member in a Co-op.Housing Society[CHS] is liable to maintain his / her flat in a clean condition.
2.Member must present in Annual / Special General Body Meeting.
3.Member must pay the monthly charges and other charges payable to the society regularly ontime.
4.A member must obey the Bye-Laws of the society and honour the laweul decision taken by the managing        committee and the General Body.
5.Member has to support in working of society as well as support in managing committee to runn society
6.Member must obey the rule set by general body for different services and facility provided by society
7.No member is permitted to make any additions or alteration in the flat without the permission of the
   Statutory Authority and the society.  
8.If any member wants to carryout any alteration or addition in his/her flat, he/she has to apply to the society
   furnishing all the details. The society must consider the application and grant or refuse permission.
9.A member should not stock any dangerous/combustible or obnoxious good in his/her flat.
10.If the storing of the any particular item required special permission of Statutroy authority such permission 
     and permission of the committee must be obtained before storing such goods.
11.A member should not cause any nuisance or inconvenience to other member in the society and he/she 
     should also refrain from doing any act that may be against the decency of the society.
12.A member should not give his/her flat on leave And licence base or keep a paying guest in his/her flat without the permission of the committee of the society
13.Member should also submit the copy of  Register leave and licence agreements entered into between the   
     member and the sub-lettee.
14. A member should also submittee this copy of the agreement to local police station along with detail 
      information of sub-lettee.
15.Member must submit copy of  document that he/she inform the local police station and complet all 
     required process in police station in society.
16. Ever member has to bear in mind that it is the duty of the committee to maintain property of the society.If 
      the secretary of the society or other committee member want to enter the flat to inspect the property or to 
      ascertain any necessary repairs,the member must allow such workmen also to enter the flat. 
